Frequently asked questions


Got a question?

Third Age Solutions® is a care management firm specialising in the provision of administration and care management services to seniors and their families. Here are some of the questions frequently asked. If you have any further questions, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

How old is someone in the third age?

Third age includes all people of a senior age. For Third Age Solutions®, this can include people aged from around 55+ years who may still be in the work-force and need assistance while they are busy juggling work and family commitments. It also includes people who are retired and are transitioning through a change in their living or mobility requirements.

Our family is busy trying to keep up with their own responsibilities while at the same time our parents’ needs are increasing. It’s not always possible for us to do all the things they need help with and we cannot easily travel back from overseas now. Can you assist us even though we don’t live in the same area as our parents?

Yes. Our services are designed to assist attorneys with their responsibilities and provide the family with peace of mind, knowing that things will be taken care of. Contact us to discuss the specific needs you or your parent has. Third Age Solutions® will keep you informed along the way and provide regular reports on the services provided.

My father’s cognitive decline is creating anxiety for my mother and our family. They want to remain living in their home for as long as they can but struggle to keep on top of things. They also need to apply for a subsidy through WINZ for home support and a rates rebate. Can you help with this?

Yes. Advocacy work on behalf of seniors is an important part of our services. We can assist with completing applications and submitting these on behalf of seniors or their Power of Attorney.

Since my husband passed away, I’m finding it difficult to do all the things he did. He loved being on the computer and organising everything. Now it’s left to me. My children have tried to help but they are busy and aren’t always available when I need them. Can you help?

Yes, talk to us about how to keep connected and simplify your day-to-day tasks. They can also connect you with agencies for seniors who run computer classes for seniors.

Any further questions? We hope this FAQ page will help with all your questions, but please contact us if you need to know more or to set-up a time for an initial complimentary consultation.